In a sequence diagram, should I not include the same file repeatedly?

0 votes
asked May 9, 2019 in Bug by Ichiro


In a sequence diagram, should I not include the same file repeatedly?

Alice has replied four times. But why does Bob hear only twice?



Bob -> Alice : Where are you? 1
Alice -> Bob : I'm here!

Bob -> Alice : Where are you? 2

Bob -> Alice : Where are you? 3

Bob -> Alice : Where are you? 4



Alice -> Bob : I'm here!

  • Result

Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 9, 2019 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Best answer

There is an internal safe guard to include file only once. You can use !include_many if you want to include a file several times.

Does it fix your need ?

commented May 9, 2019 by anonymous

My problem is solved. it is perfect!

Thank you!