A salt cell of table may contain also a block of ui controls and line around that block

0 votes
asked Jan 12, 2020 in To be sorted by Tuomas
Login | "MyName "
Password | "**** "
Login2 | "MyName "
Password2 | "**** "
[Cancel2] | [ OK3 ]
} | [Cancel]
[ OK2 ] | [ OK ]
commented Jan 12, 2020 by albert (3,520 points)
What is the question / problem?
commented Jun 6, 2020 by mwwhited (120 points)
Check boxes show as buttons with an X

            .                     | Email | SMS | In App
            Student Late to class | [X]   | [X] | [X]
            Student Missed Class  | [X]   | [X] | [X]

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