BorderStyle is ignored when creating a bracketless package, also when nesting components

0 votes
asked May 2, 2020 in Bug by joseluis (160 points)

skinparam shadowing false
skinparam package {
    BorderStyle dashed

' uncommenting the following line removes BorderStyle for all packages
'package "package 1" as p1

package "package 2" as p2 {

After uncommeting the indicated line:

It happens the same with BorderThickness.
And, additionally, if I add both BorderThickness & BorderStyle, only the thickness is applied and the style is ignored:

skinparam shadowing false
skinparam package {
    BorderStyle dashed
    Borderthickness 3

package "package 2" as p2 {

Also, when nesting most components it gets ignored too:

More details in the sourcecode

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 23, 2021 by Martin (8,360 points)
This looks fixed now for the OP's main point about losing the border style for non-container packages.

(However there is still an issue that you can't have a dashed border combined with thickness 3.)