Function Result generating a syntax error

0 votes
asked May 2, 2020 in Question / help by gobravedave (200 points)

Hello plantuml,

I have written a function which looks up a value in a json structure and returns a result string I was hoping would be rendered into a PlantUML C4 Model diagram as per C4-PlantUML

The function appears to be working, however the result generates a syntax error. I suspect it is an issue with the order of processing of the include files.

please see link to example of the code and the error.

Also, you may notice I am returning single quotes in the response.. Is there a way to return a double quotes?


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 3, 2020 by The-Lu (64,340 points)
selected May 3, 2020 by gobravedave
Best answer

Hello David,

In addition of my comment (, with :

  1. Use of Procedure (see green color)
  2. Boolean management (for INCLUDE_DESC see violet color, for $id_exist see blue color)

We obtain:

!unquoted procedure $app($id)
!$data={"participants" :[
{"id": "cm" ,"label": "customer master","desc": "manages customers"},
{"id": "tm" ,"label": "transaction manager","desc": "manages transactions"},
{"id": "am" ,"label": "account master","desc": "manages accounts"}
!$id_exist = %false()
!foreach $part in $data.participants
  !if $ == $id
    !$id_exist = %true()
       System($, $part.label, $part.desc)
       System($, $part.label)
!if %not($id_exist)
System($id, "enter label for <u:red>$id")


%set_variable_value("$INCLUDE_DESC", %true())

System(aa, "aa system")
System(bb, "bb system", "big system")

[Click on the image to view code]

If that can help,

commented May 3, 2020 by gobravedave (200 points)
thank you very much @The-Lu.. Indeed your response if very helpful.
0 votes
answered May 2, 2020 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Indeed, there seems to be an issue here...

Could you build a shorter example (that is, without any !include) that shows the issue ?

This would definitively help...

commented May 2, 2020 by gobravedave (200 points)
edited May 2, 2020 by gobravedave

!unquoted function $app($id)
      !return "System(" + $id + ", 'label' , 'description')"

System(aa, 'aa system')
System(bb, 'bb system', 'big system')


The log shows how the scripted C4 Systems are converted to rectangles.. however the output from the functional has not.

commented May 2, 2020 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello David,

Instead of a return function, maybe use rather a procedure (See ‘procedure’ (from 19 Apr, 2020: Introducing procedure in preprocessor (V1.2020.7))), as:

!unquoted procedure $app($id)
      System($id, 'label_from_app', 'description_from_app')

System(aa, 'aa system')
System(bb, 'bb system', 'big system')

[Click on the image to view code]

