Hello Plantuml team,
After some test on style for note:
That is OK for Sequence diagram, see:
[Click to see code on PlantUML server]
But for Class diagram or Component and Deployement that is KO (on version 2020.11):
Here are the code:
skinparam useBetaStyle true
note {
FontSize 10
BackGroundColor #fff
.green {
BackgroundColor green
class Foo
note<<green>> left: On last defined class
→ Link
'skinparam useBetaStyle true
note {
FontSize 10
BackGroundColor #fff
.green {
BackgroundColor green
node n
file f
note<<green>> left of n: note that is green
→ Link
Perhaps style is not yet implement on Class and Deployement ?
We made no test on Activity or State diagram.
Thanks for your analyse,