Hello PlantUML team,
- Could you add, in error cases, on the output, separate by ‘:’ (like on gcc or grep output), but on one line?
- file name
- line number (lineNumber)
- error (status) [on lowercase]
- and explanation of the error (label)
<file name>:<lineNumber>:<status>: <label>
[In order to improve the User Experience and easy integration with all the standard editors, but without make a big change, in order to avoid conflict with all the wrapper or plugin.]
For example, adding this new line, after the current standard report:
java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt foo.txt
label=Syntax Error?
Error line 2 in file: foo.txt
foo.txt:2:error: Syntax Error?
Some diagram description contains errors
or adding a new standard report:
foo.txt:2:error: Syntax Error?
Some diagram description contains errors
Thanks for yours works,