Could we have an Error report on one line (report any syntax error on one line)?

0 votes
asked Jul 2, 2020 in Wanted features by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

- Could you add, in error cases, on the output, separate by ‘:’ (like on gcc or grep output), but on one line?

  • file name
  • line number (lineNumber)
  • error (status) [on lowercase]
  • and explanation of the error (label)


<file name>:<lineNumber>:<status>: <label>

[In order to improve the User Experience and easy integration with all the standard editors, but without make a big change, in order to avoid conflict with all the wrapper or plugin.]

For example, adding this new line, after the current standard report:

java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt foo.txt
label=Syntax Error?
Error line 2 in file: foo.txt
foo.txt:2:error: Syntax Error?
Some diagram description contains errors

or adding a new standard report:

foo.txt:2:error: Syntax Error?
Some diagram description contains errors

Thanks for yours works,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 3, 2020 by plantuml (295,800 points)
selected Sep 18, 2020 by The-Lu
Best answer

Thanks for the idea !

With last beta you can now use the following flags:

  • -stdrpt
  • -stdrpt:1
  • -stdrpt:2 
This has not been widely tested, so any feedback is welcome :-)
commented Jul 4, 2020 by The-Lu (74,900 points)


Sorry, but the last beta seems to be corrupt!

java -jar plantuml.jar -h
Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile plantuml.jar

See also the size on the beta server:

plantuml.jar2020-07-03 17:125.2M

I can wait the stable version and the v1.2020.16!


commented Jul 4, 2020 by plantuml (295,800 points)
Sorry about that !

We've just updated

It should be fine now
commented Jul 4, 2020 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello Plantuml,

That's good with standard editors...

But the lineNumber is not good...

  • Could you change lineNumber to lineNumber + 1 !

See also defect:

Here are two examples in order to test:

1/ from /9835

participant "Famous Bob" aass Bob << Generated >>
→ Link to PlantUML server

2/ minimal test with syntax error (intentional forgetfulness of final semicolon):

:1+$a 'Syntax Error: line 3

→ Link to PlantUML server

If that can help in order to test,
Thanks for your works,

commented Sep 18, 2020 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

[Like Serge on /10967]

"Could you please take a look at this bug? This is really a problem in my case and I think the same" on:

Thanks for your support,

commented Sep 18, 2020 by plantuml (295,800 points)
Thanks for the report.

This should be fixed in last beta

Tell us if you find issues about this !
commented Sep 18, 2020 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello PlantUML team,
This is perfect. yes
Thank for the prompt answer.

