Improve multi-arrows position (and especially arrow's shift)[on Deployment]

0 votes
asked Feb 9, 2021 in Wanted features by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

With today's tests (on v. 1.2021.2beta5), on multi-arrows:
It seems OK with Activity diagram (cf. Functionality QA-4411 and minor Wanted Features QA-11822):

scale 5

[See on PlantUML online server]

But on Deployment, we observe an arrow shift between each arrows:

scale 5
A -[#red;#green;#blue]>  B

[See on PlantUML server]

Or other test on component:

scale 2
[A] -[#red;#green;#blue]> [B]

  • Could you improve multi-arrow positions, on Deployment diagram?

Thanks for your support,

commented Feb 10, 2021 by albert (3,520 points)

the fact that the line runs in the activity diagram through the arrow head. This is not the case in case of the other 2 presented diagrams.

It looks like the blue line in the activity diagram is smaller than e.g. the green line.
commented Feb 10, 2021 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello A.,

Here are some other tests, with colorArrowSeparationSpace, to compare on Activity diagram:

scale 5
skinparam colorArrowSeparationSpace 0
scale 5
skinparam colorArrowSeparationSpace 1
scale 5
skinparam colorArrowSeparationSpace 5

But my main wanted feature is now for Component or Deployment diagram.


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