[Deployment] Could you improve `port` management?

+1 vote
asked Jun 4, 2022 in Wanted features by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

During test of `port`...

1/ Could you improve `port` management, when we are on horizontal layout:

Here it seems OK (except the overlap at the level of the node name, and the large layout (with position of f3)!):

'left to right direction
card c

node node {
  port p1
  port p2
  port p3
  file f1
  file f3

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> f1
p2 --> f1
p3 --> f3
left to right direction
card c

node node {
  port p1
  port p2
  port p3
  file f1
  file f3

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> f1
p2 --> f1
p3 --> f3

But here KO:

'left to right direction
card c

node node {
  port p1
  port p2
  port p3
  file f1

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> f1
p2 --> f1
left to right direction
card c

node node {
  port p1
  port p2
  port p3
  file f1

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> f1
p2 --> f1

2/ Could you also improve this error:

card c
port t

Thanks a lot for your works,

commented Jun 4, 2022 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Same issue, with folder or package:

'left to right direction
card c

package package {
  port p1
  port p2
  port p3
  file f1

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> f1
p2 --> f1

commented Apr 25, 2023 by The-Lu (77,040 points)
commented May 31, 2023 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello PlantUML team, and all,

That is only partially corrected on the version V1.2022.7 (22 Aug, 2022), and on Oct 18, 2022.

But those defects remain:
1a/1b: OK

except the large layout (with position of f3)!

2/ OK: Fixed by:

3/ Allways KO (for folder or package):

'left to right direction
card c

package package {
  port p1
  port p2
  port p3
  file f1

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> f1
p2 --> f1

4/ KO for portout position:

5/ #1068

6/ #1236

7/ QA-17915


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