[Timing diagram] Cropped clock lines when period is not a multiple of the diagram length

0 votes
asked Oct 5, 2021 in Wanted features by The-Lu (69,260 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

  • Could you improve clock's line, when clock (period) is not a multiple of the diagram length?

Observation: The clock's lines is too cropped when the clock's lines could have been larger than the diagram...

Here is an example:

clock "c0" as C with period 50
clock "c1" as C1 with period 40 pulse 10
binary "Enable" as EN

EN is low
EN is high
EN is low

EN@80 <-> @110 : <color:red>Clock1\nis missing\nfrom 80 to 110
EN@100 <-> @110 : <color:red>Clock0\nis missing\nfrom 100 to 110\n\n\n


commented Oct 6, 2021 by The-Lu (69,260 points)

Here is another minimal example:

clock "c0" as C with period 50
binary "Enable" as EN

EN is low
EN is high
EN is low

EN@50 <-> @70 : <color:red>Clock0\nis missing\nfrom 50 to 70


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 4, 2021 by The-Lu (69,260 points)
Best answer

This is corrected on V1.2021.13 (1rst Nov, 2021).

Thank to PlantUML team,
