After the bugfix I found rectangle problems too
a) the corners of normal rectangles are lost
b) the package rectangels lost the text color
In older versions the corners of the normal rectangles and the text colors of the package records were correct displayed.
(Even in older versions the DiagonalCorner of the package rectangles are not correct displayed. Can this be fixed too?)
Thank you and best regards
skinparam rectangle {
StereotypeFontSize 12
shadowing false
skinparam package {
StereotypeFontSize 6
StereotypeFontColor transparent
FontStyle plain
BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam rectangle<<container>> {
StereotypeFontColor #FFFFFF
FontColor #FFFFFF
BackgroundColor #438DD5
BorderColor #3C7FC0
skinparam rectangle<<GreenContainer>> {
StereotypeFontColor green
FontColor green
BackgroundColor lightgreen
BorderColor darkgreen
RoundCorner 25
DiagonalCorner 0
skinparam rectangle<<RedContainer>> {
StereotypeFontColor red
FontColor red
BackgroundColor lightred
BorderColor darkred
RoundCorner 0
DiagonalCorner 18
rectangle "==green package container\n//<size:12>[green]</size>//" <<GreenContainer>><<container>> as gPC {
rectangle "==red container\n//<size:12>[red]</size>//" <<RedContainer>><<container>> as rC
rectangle "==red package container\n//<size:12>[red]</size>//" <<RedContainer>><<container>> as rPC {
rectangle "==green container\n//<size:12>[green]</size>//" <<GreenContainer>><<container>> as gC