[Gantt] Merge "Then" and "displays on same row as"

+1 vote
asked Feb 23, 2022 in Wanted features by UGxhbnRVTUw (160 points)


I like the gantt diagram and start using it often.

My usage

My diagrams tend to be a bit huge.
When using only "then", there is a new line for each task and it is vertically too huge.

So, I add "displays on same row as" everywhere.
The diagram is now as I want.

But if I have to modify the content (give the task to another person), I have to move/edit several lines.

My wish

I would like a new key word, to replace "then", like "then_but_still_on_the_same_line".
So, to update my diagramm, I only need to move the line to the right block.


edit : format

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