Is it possible to display milestones on same row as tasks that have notes?

0 votes
asked Mar 10, 2021 in Bug by Gantt man
It seems that PlantUML works fine with Gantt charts.

I can have notes for tasks. And I can have milestones as well.

But there is an issue when trying to display the milestone on same row as the task, if the task has notes.

The PlantUML tool freezes.
commented Mar 10, 2021 by albert (3,540 points)
Please provide a small example and the plantuml version used.

Does is also happen when using the plantuml server at:

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2021 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello G.,

As mentioned by @albert, could you provide your example?

Because, with the last version (1.2021.2) and this code:

[Task1: Prototype design] as [T1] lasts 13 days
note bottom
  note for task1
  more notes
end note
[M1] happens on 5 days after [T1]'s end
[M1] displays on same row as [T1]

All seems OK.


commented Mar 11, 2021 by Asmo Saarela
I have now isolated the issue. The PlanUML version is recent (I downloaded it 2021-03-09). I started with one PlantUML plugin for Confluence. And that caused the Confluence server to have a very high CPU load, and it had to be restarted. And I repeated the issue on different PlantUML plugin versions. Then I downloaded the PlantUML tools and tried locally.

The issue happens when the following conditions are met:

1) There is a task, note, and milestone
2) Milestone happens on the same day than the task will end
3) Milestone is displayed on the same row as task
4) Note length is long enough (rendered image length exceeds the task image length)
5) Scale is set to weekly (this causes the condition 4 to be true)

Code sample: (the same effect happens if I use start/end Gantt instead of start/end UML)

' Generic settings
Project starts 2020-05-19
printscale weekly
ganttscale weekly
projectscale weekly
title My Project Actual Schedule
' This note text will fail: (note length exceeds the task length)
' All will contribute test 1234
' This note text will pass: (note length does not exceed the task length)
' All will contribute test 123

[TASK1] as [T1] starts on 2020-05-29 and ends on 2020-06-30
note bottom
All will contribute test 1234
end note
[T1] is colored in White/Red
[Milestone 1] as [M1] happens 2020-06-30
[M1] displays on same row as [T1]

Code sample ends.
commented Mar 12, 2021 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello A.,

Thanks for the complete example.

Then, for PLantUML team, here is a sum up:

1/ a nominal case

title Little note OK

Project starts 2020-05-29
projectscale weekly

[TASK1] as [T1] starts on 2020-05-29 and ends on 2020-06-30
note bottom
Little note OK
end note
[Milestone 1] as [M1] happens 2020-06-30
[M1] displays on same row as [T1]

2/ a case in error, with freeze of the server...

Same code, just with a 'Long Long note'...

title Long Long Long note KO

Project starts 2020-05-29
projectscale weekly

[TASK1] as [T1] starts on 2020-05-29 and ends on 2020-06-30
note bottom
Long Long Long note KO
end note
[Milestone 1] as [M1] happens 2020-06-30
[M1] displays on same row as [T1]

Thanks for your support,
