[Gantt] How to remove the weekends from quarterly printscale?

0 votes
asked Feb 24, 2022 in Question / help by Lora
Currently, when using a quarterly printscale it keeps the weekends and this results in a tiny grid, dashed line around the progress bar and an overall "patchy" look of zoomed out big diagrams.



How can I remove the weekends, or at least avoid the grid and the dashed lines?

Why do the colours in the legend display in png file, but not in svg?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2022 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello L.,

You can use

ganttDiagram {
  closed {
    BackgroundColor transparent


But there are some ripples... @PlantUML team: to put on the long todo list...

See also doc. here:

For SVG issue, see:

