Deployment Diagram - Single Component in Multiple Nodes

0 votes
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Question / help by rcd-araujo (120 points)
Hi, Everyone.
I'm using this great tool to mapping my infrasctructure and I would like to know if it's possible that a single component be present in multiple nodes representing my servers in front of my load balance.
As a workaround I'm adding some spaces in the end of the name of the component

Is there a better way to solve this situation?
Any help would be realy appreciate. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2023 by The-Lu (70,400 points)

Hello R., and all,

For that you can use alias, as:

node srv01{
  component my_service as msrv01

node srv02{
  component my_service as msrv02

node databaseserver {
  database database

node consumer1{

[consumer_application] --> msrv01
[consumer_application] --> msrv02

msrv01 --> database
msrv02 --> database

