Potential bug in WBS

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asked May 16, 2023 in Bug by LeHoff (120 points)


After some painful debugging it seems that arrows to/from the root node in a WBS diagram does not work - see below.



.foo {
LineColor #00FF00;
* "Test" as t0
** A topic
*** "common" as c1
*** "common2" as c2
** "Another topic" as t2
t2 -> c1 <<foo>>
t2 ..> c2 #blue
t2 ..> t0
Error line 14 in file: test.puml
Some diagram description contains errors
commented May 16, 2023 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Yes, there are several issues:

  • How to link to the root node?
  • How to link to a node themself?

@PlantUML team, here are some minimal issue (observed on V1.2023.8beta1) examples:

How to link to the root node?

* "Root" as r
** "A topic" as t1
** "Another topic" as t2
t1 ..> r

How to link to a node them-self?

* "Root" as r
** "A topic" as t1
** "Another topic" as t2
t1 ..> t1
We observed:
at net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.geom.XLine2D.line(XLine2D.java:23)
at net.sourceforge.plantuml.wbs.WBSLink.drawU(WBSLink.java:89)
at net.sourceforge.plantuml.wbs.WBSDiagram.drawMe(WBSDiagram.java:125)
at net.sourceforge.plantuml.wbs.WBSDiagram.access$0(WBSDiagram.java:112)
at net.sourceforge.plantuml.wbs.WBSDiagram$1.drawU(WBSDiagram.java:103)
at net.atmp.ImageBuilder.writeImageInternal(ImageBuilder.java:306)
Awaiting correction, (Thanks to PlantUML team)wink

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