Forcing net positions in nwdiag

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asked Dec 24, 2023 in Question / help by mcon (320 points)

I am having problems with the following diagram:

!include <office/Concepts/firewall>
!include <office/Devices/modem>
!include <office/Devices/router>
!include <office/Devices/modem>
!include <office/Devices/workstation>
!include <office/Devices/workstation_pc>
!include <office/Servers/application_server>
!include <office/Servers/database_server>
!include <office/Servers/virtual_web_server>
!include <office/Servers/virtual_server>
!include <office/Servers/file_server>
!include <office/Servers/physical_host_solid_blue>

nwdiag {
    ISP_A [ shape = cloud];
    ISP_A -- routerA;
    ISP_B [ shape = cloud];
    ISP_B -- routerB;

    Firewall [description = "<$firewall>\nOPNsense"];

    network RED1 {
        description ="RED1/WAN1"
        address = ""
        color = red
        routerA [address = "", description = "<$modem>\nFast Fiber\nDynamic IP"];

    network RED2 {
        description ="RED2/WAN2"
        address = ""
        color = red
        routerB [address = "", description = "<$modem>\nSlow DSL\nFixed IP"];
        Firewall [address = ""];

    network ORANGE {
        description ="ORANGE/DMZ"
        address = "
        color = orange
        Firewall [address = ""];
        WebServer [address = "", description = "<$virtual_web_server>\nwebserver"];
        OtherServer [address = "", description = "<$virtual_server>\nuserver"];

    network GREEN {
        description ="GREEN/LAN"
        address = "
        color = palegreen
        Firewall [address = ""];
        cinderella [address = "", description = "<$workstation>\ncinderella"];
        controller [address = "192.168.7.x", description = "<$workstation_pc>\ncontroller"];
        workstation [address = "", description = "<$file_server>\nSynology"];
    group {
        color = "SkyBlue";
        description = "<$physical_host_solid_blue>\nLXD Server";


PlantUML diagramProblem is I would like to have both red networks on top, something like what I get if I delete `Firewall` entry in RED1 (but then I miss a connection, of course):

PlantUML diagram

Essentially I should force link between Firewall and RED2 to go up instead of down, but I didn't find a way to do it.

I also tried defining `Firewall` before usage, but it doesn't seem to change anything.

Can someone help, please?

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