I want to group some classes in my class diagram, without specifying a name for the package. I thought I could adapt the answer given here (https://forum.plantuml.net/3648/invisible-packages-improve-layout-diagrams-visible-packages) for this purpose.However, this seems to not work with package style of Rectangle, which I would prefer using here. I tried with package dynamic <<Rectangle>> <<Layout>> as well as mentioning packageStyle Rectangle in the package block, but neither seems to work.I want to avoid the "ugly" protrusion in the grouping shape. Is there a way to achieve this, or another approach to group classes?https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/TOyn3i8m34NtdE9V0UQggeG42mC35p2DgQecJkMuGuIuEwK5iPGiaVp-jvwRRAGsnU20FFGoabB4IEr07LVLcKgQhAxnS9ZVBQbdFQIG55SboNESnLOsTpfDa_YLNoZmIPbbeVSajjtBnih9oiZ7FvcdS_WgmHUXsBVukJbyx80sKCw8PVbtMyFzigzXyU-RNm00
@startuml skinparam package<<Layout>> { borderColor Transparent backgroundColor PaleGreen fontColor Transparent stereotypeFontColor Transparent } package dynamic <<Layout>> { class myclass1 class myclass2 } @enduml
If you want a rectangle then the bracket has to be in the same line as the rectangle "rectangle .... {"(click on the image you see source)BR Helmut
If you add a "hide <<Layout>> stereotype" line and set the skinparam "fontSize 0" (of <<Layout>>) too then I think you get what you want.BR Helmut