Hi everyone, I need to understand how I can expand the space of a node or folder with components inside and position them far from each other. They are currently attached to each other and I can't push them away.
@startuml Development
skinparam {
padding 10
componentPadding 50
componentMargin 50
rectanglePadding 100
databasePadding 50
FolderFontSize 50
NodeFontSize 50
ComponentFontSize 50
DatabaseFontSize 50
LegendFontSize 50
ActorFontSize 50
skinparam interface {
backgroundColor RosyBrown
borderColor orange
linetype polyline
skinparam Arrow {
MessageAlignment left
Thickness 4
FontStyle Bold
Color Black
left to right direction
node "Bolla ARES" {
portin "MPLS_ARES" #RosyBrown
component "DSTRSRV-DEV.ares-noprod.local" as DSTRSRV_DEV {
[Gateway] <<10.100.:8081>> as Gateway
[Distribution] <<10.100.:8080>> as Distribution
[GSSRV-DEV.ares-noprod.local] <<10.100.>> as gas_ARES
database "sqlserver Exalogic DB" <<10.100.1:1433>> as sqlserver_ARES #LightGreen{
database "mongodb-bmm1" <<10.100.6:27017>> as mongodb_ARES #Lightblue{
EOS_ARES -down-> sqlserver_ARES
Distribution <-right- mongodb_ARES
Gateway <-down-> sqlserver_ARES
Gateway <-down-> mongodb_ARES
gas_ARES --> sqlserver_ARES
DSTRSRV_DEV ..[#red]> VMS : use HTTP
VMS <--> MongoDB
:actor: -up-> VMS
VMS <--> sqlserver
VIP_Gateway <--> sqlserver_ARES