Gantt highlight resources that is off not only in footbox but also on task itself

0 votes
asked Jan 22 in Wanted features by Filippo


Imagine a gantt diagram with a lot of tasks : the footbox goes deep down and is almost out of sight.
It would be nice to have the tasks rectangles to change aspect on the days where the resource is off.
Maybe having dotted borders on those days and having a pink inner color as on the closed days.

Here below I don't understand looking at the tasks only that :

  • A is off from the 17th to the 24th of Dec.
  • B is off on the 24th and on the 30th and 31st of Dec

To see this I need to go down to the footbox to see it.

And the footbox might be hidden or far away.

Could we change the aspect of tasks on resource off days ?

commented Jan 26 by The-Lu (76,960 points)

Here is the corresponding image:

Project starts 2024-12-13
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2024-12-25 is closed
2025-01-01 is closed

{A} is off on 2024-12-17 to 2024-12-24
{B} is off on 2024-12-24
{B} is off on 2024-12-30 to 2024-12-31

[T1] on {A} requires 2 days and starts 2024-12-16
[T2] on {B} requires 4 days and starts 2024-12-23

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