How to use the plugin ?

0 votes
asked Dec 27, 2014 in Wanted features by anonymous
After looking around in IntelliJ for a while I found the PlantUML tool under the View menu option.

However, after writing some simple code nothing shows in the window and there doesn't seem to exist
any documentation or if it does it is well hidden.

Where do I begin if I want to understand how to use this tool ?
It's pretty pointless to install a tool and then not being able to use it.
commented Jan 23, 2019 by anonymous
does plant uml can generate uml from existing classes? like simple uml plugin of intellij

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 28, 2015 by richard (140 points)
Hi Anonymous,

I had the same problem as you, and ended up looked at the Eclipse demo to work out how to use the intellij plugin.

Here is what I did:

Select View -> Tool Windows -> PlantUML to bring up the viewing window.

In a comment section of one of the code files, type:


* @startuml

* car --|> wheel

* @enduml


In the PlantUML window you should see a diagram appear.

Hope that helps.
commented Oct 16, 2019 by Pandora

I'm very new to programming and would like to use this tool, 
Regarding your answer, I have a dumb question, but I legitimately don't know the answer, so...
I assume when you write * car --|> wheel, you mean that this is the name of what you want to print on your diagram,

But if you want the program to draw a full program with multiple classes and packages, etc. How do you actually write it?

Hope you can help!

0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2018 by Leo
Creating a file *.puml should be enough.
commented Jan 21, 2020 by Praveen
Hi Leo,Could you give a step by step process of creating .puml file in IntelliJ, please.