I tried to style some use case diagram with a stereotype but I don't manage to do it with the "style" notation.
My example :
BackgroundColor #FF0000
.tech {
BackgroundColor #00FF00
actor {
BackgroundColor #FF0000
.tech {
BackgroundColor #00FF00
:actor1: as act1
:actor2: << tech >> as act2
(use case 1) as uc1
(use case 2) << tech >> as uc2
In this case, uc2 doesn't apply <<tech>> style.
(example http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/png/bL3Bgi8m45rtlcBWRcutsdHPGYWA_Oym3Gh61l9OYFJVdQbPY0XYoC1m7YUSZ2dRcClL0-YKRzuPk4FJbEJ89YThSx1qESLGblaOV8ZuDqqT7w5aTjdH6KNvGTfr8XPkXUTOoany2Vuvb-yAUbyRmB2zeWQq2NbL5UW7r1gtN6CgrmFySrkKkgXQGGkf5wnltqo5s3EwPUPVUm00)
I've tried with the skinparam syntax and it works for me :
skinparam ActorBackgroundColor #FF0000
skinparam ActorBackgroundColor<< tech >> #00FF00
skinparam UsecaseBackgroundColor #FF0000
skinparam UsecaseBackgroundColor<< tech >> #00FF00
:actor1: as act1
:actor2: << tech >> as act2
(use case 1) as uc1
(use case 2) << tech >> as uc2
(example : http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/png/XOuz2iCm38LtdqAGfTbYZo64j8NSe0SGYcbB_5Ciw_wDmT3GnPh4q_i-j736bCKxnVixV32XXolbc6v8-pD52TizkfYWMzVXc4PjcY1RUi4yGpSC1Ja13xQ4RDlcMcoxrOZb2Jq2CXohhe4PuTUkDwFKHTX2COFkIogaJvdf_o0XenORDl7k2m00)
I don't know if I am using it wrong or if it's a bug. Please tell me if a don't use the proper syntax.
Thanks for your support.