Use case diagram usecase syntax

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asked Apr 26, 2015 in Bug by jimpang (220 points)

In the usecase diagram, if I use the usecase shape, as you have documented, I can include descriptive text as follows;


usecase UC1 as "You can use
several lines to define your usecase. You can also use separators.
Several separators are possible.
And you can add titles:
This allows large description."

However, this seems to be in the reverse ordering of the syntax. That is, for other shape, e.g. I would define


actor :Last actor: as Men4


where the aliase name appears after the word 'as', but in the case of usecase, descriptive text comes after the word 'as'.

Although I can still get it to work, it is confusing.

Should you make usecase just like other shapes syntax?




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