I have a sequence diagram where I want to indicate that several messages are sent during a synchronisation phase. Activate and delay look like proper candidates to do this. Here's the properly rendered diagram without delay:
hide footbox
box "Source Endpoint"
participant "Source Control\nService" as SCS
participant "Data Service" as DS
end box
box "Sink Endpoint"
participant "Data Client" as DC
participant "Source Controller" as SCL
end box
activate SCS
activate SCL
activate DS
DC <- SCL : start
activate DC
DS <- DC : connect
DC -> SCL : request registration
SCS <- SCL : {RegistrationRequest}
SCS -> DS : call for synchronisation
activate DS
DS -> DC : {Sychronisation}
SCS --> SCL : {RegistrationRequestAcknowledgement}
DC <- SCL : registration requested
' ...
DC --> SCL : confirm synchronisation
SCS <- SCL : {RegistrationSuccess}
DS -> DC : {Sychronisation}
SCS -> DS : stop synchronisation
deactivate DS
SCS --> SCL : {RegistrationSuccessAcknowledgement}
If I uncomment the delay the svg looks like this, see the difference in the activation after delay ends?:
I'm integrating those diagrams via svg and rawgit. When I first tried to use delay it didn't render on github either (something about XML specified twice). Without delay all is fine.
I'm always using the online PlantUml server for generating my diagrams.