Can I turn off shadowing just for one type of shape?

+1 vote
asked Apr 9, 2015 in Wanted features by jimpang (220 points)
I am familiar with skimparam shadowing false, and it is working fine for the whole diagram.

However, is it possible to turn off shadowing just for one type of shape? e.g. Actor in component diagram?

while other shapes e.g. package, node etc. still produce shadowing in the same diagram.

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Apr 25, 2015 by plantuml (295,960 points)

You cannot in the official release, but this is a good suggestion!

We have implemented this in last beta

skinparam actor {
  bordercolor blue
  shadowing false

skinparam databaseShadowing true

actor actor1
component compo1
database data1

Is this what you are expecting ?

Thanks again for the idea!

commented Apr 26, 2015 by jimpang (220 points)
Spot on, perfect, thanks.