First of all: PlantUML is a great tool. I would also like to use it to create some software architecture overview using a component diagram.
However I'm facing the problem that the layout is not looking very well. I can control it in a limited way using hidden connections but I would like to have the packages and rectangles having the same size and position.
Consider the following example:
package Package1 {
package 1A {
rectangle "Short" as rs {
rectangle "Long long text" as rl {
rs -[hidden]d-> rl
package 1B {
rectangle "Foo" {
1A -[hidden]-> 1B
package Package2 {
package 2A {
rectangle "Bar" {
package Package3 {
Package1 -[hidden]> Package2
Package2 -[hidden]> Package3
This results in:
What I would like to have is something like this:
Would it be possible to add a possibility to provide more layout information, e.g. the height of Package2 is at least the height of Package1? Same applies to width, vertical position etc.