GANTT: How to handle if a resource starts or terminates at a specific date?

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asked Nov 20, 2023 in Wanted features by Marc
reshown Nov 20, 2023 by plantuml

Resources are the team members. But team members don't work for the same company / project all their life.

I haven't found an option for defining start or end time for a resource.

I'd like to have something such as:

{Alice} starts at 2023-08-15
{Bob} ends at 2023-12-31

To define absolute begin or end of a resource in the project.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2023 by plantuml (295,000 points)
That's an interesting suggestion!

What impact would this have on the drawing itself?

I mean, do we need to put some special colors on Alice/Bob lines to show when they are off?

We are also thinking about improving the current display: right now, we just display numbers (50/100/...) on resource lines. Maybe it is time to have something better. So any suggestion is welcome :-)
commented Nov 20, 2023 by Marc

Good question.

Probably in the footer, where the "live-line" of the resource should start / end.

It would have the same effect as:

{Alice} is off on forever to 2023-08-15
{Bob} is off on 2023-12-31 to forever

Alternative possible syntax, more related to the vacation feature:

{Alice} is off before 2023-08-15
{Bob} is off after 2023-12-31

If a resource is on a project, then this is limited to the time the resource is available.

Here B would replace A on the project after 2 month:

{A} ends 2024-02-29
{B} starts 2024-03-01
[project] on {A} {B} {C} lasts 5 month and starts 2024-01-01
commented Nov 23, 2023 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Last beta now supports is off before/is off after syntax.

(See example here and here).

We have also temporarily changed the way we display resources. We put (hardcoded) gray background when a resource if off.

Any suggestion/feedback is welcome!

commented Nov 24, 2023 by Marc
Great! And really fast, thank you!
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2023 by plantuml (295,000 points)

BTW, we are currently improving the gantt syntax. We try to have something closer to regular english sentence.

So with last beta:

  • You can (should?) put a dot at the end of each sentence
  • You can use a coma instead of "and" to separate two sentences with the same subject.
  • You can use "it" for the last evoked task
  • You can use "he/she/they" for the last evoked resource.
As an example:
Project starts the 2023/12/04.
Sunday are closed.
[T1] requires 15 days.
It is colored in peru.

[T2 with a very long name] requires 8 days, is colored in peru.
then [T3] lasts 10 days.
It is colored in lightblue.

{Alice} works on [T1].
She is off before the 2023/12/06.

{Bob} works on [T1], is off from the 2023/12/08 to the 2023/12/09.


(link to the diagram)

Any new idea is welcome!
