Incorrect sorting for rectangle in usecase diagram

0 votes
asked Nov 19 in Bug by Mike
When working in plantuml with usecase diagrams,I encountered the following problem:
when changing the diagram direction from left to right direction
AND when group usecase rectangle for several usecases dependent from parent, the sorting is lost
usecases described at the beginning are displayed at the bottom of the diagram
and usecases described at the end are displayed at the top of the diagram
I expect the opposite situation
Incorrect behavior
left to right direction
rectangle {
At the same time, if you remove the grouping (rectangle), then the sorting is as expected
Correct behavior
left to right direction
How get around this limitation?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 20 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello M.,

It is currently a normal behaviour, because:

From normal "top to bottom direction":

'left to right direction
rectangle {

To the "left to right direction" (the only difference is a 90° rotation):

left to right direction
rectangle {

If that can help to understand,
