Can I use my own shape in Component diagram?

+2 votes
asked Apr 7, 2015 in Wanted features by jimpang (220 points)
In component diagrams, you provided a few pre-defined shapes such as component, package, database, folder etc.

I am wondering if I can supply my own shpaes and used in component diagram?

(I know how to use sprites, but that isn't exactly what I want).


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 8, 2015 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Unfortunatly, no, you cannot.

Adding shapes is only possible through code modification.

However, you can request that we add thoses shapes in future PlantUML releases.
commented Apr 8, 2015 by jimpang (220 points)
Fine for now
commented Apr 10, 2015 by anonymous
A message queue shape would be a wonderful addition. Basically, a database shape rotated 90 degrees --- long and short.
commented Apr 13, 2015 by plantuml (295,960 points)
The last beta version supports the following syntax

component component1
database database1
queue queue1

Is this what you are expecting ?
commented Apr 14, 2015 by anonymous
The queue shape comes out fine, thanks.
commented Apr 14, 2015 by jimpang (220 points)
I'd like to request the enhancement on component diagram as such the program will read an 'external' shape file (similar to MS Visio where custom shapes can  be added by end users), and used it in drawing component diagram. Hence, you will need to provide instruction on how to create/construct shapes used by plantuml as well.